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Here you will learn what a bonus hunt is, what you need to think about regarding regulations and how it's played.
You have seen CasinoDaddy do bonushunts. Here is a small guide that will teach you how it's done and what you should think about if you want to do
a bonus hunt of your own. A bonus hunt is a simple concept. You save the bonuses in a number of games to open them up, one by one, at a later time.
►Step 1. First of all, choose a Casino you want to play on and before you deposit money, speak to the live chat and ask them IF you are allowed
to do a bonushunt. If yes, ask them if any games are restricted and if there is any max bet ( the normal bonusterms - if you will play with a bonus ).
Sometimes you have to explain for the live chat what you mean with "Bonus hunt" since that is not an official word.
Step 2. When you have found a Casino that allowes a bonus hunt, decide how much you want to spend on the hunt. A good thing is to use a bonus offer
so you get a better starting balance. The best option is to use a regular bonus since the no sticky ones are not ideal for a bonus hunt.
You can find many casinos and see which bonuses they offer here: when you're there, search by country to
find out which Casino bonuses are available for your country.
Step 3. "The betsize" How much you want to bet per spin has a lot to do with how much money you start with and how many bonuses you are looking for in
the hunt. Let's say you have €500 euro, then a good betsize would perhaps be €0.50 which would give you 1000 spins. But in the end you have to decide
what suit you the best. If you really enjoy the hunting and want many bonuses, then consider going lower on the betsize.
Step 4. "Which games should I play?" If you want many bonuses in the hunt then you should go for easy bonuses, games with low volatility and the other
way around if you are brave and want to get the really good bonuses; choose the high volatility slots.
You have to make sure that the games you play have a bonus that you can save. The providers that you can save bonuses on are; BIG TIME GAMING / Play'n go /
NETENT / Pragmatic / Blueprint / Mercur / Quickspin / Thunderkick / Microgaming / Push Gaming and Williams. There might be more less known providers but
these are the ones we recommend. There are some other providers where you can save the bonus for a short period of time, like Yggdrasil,
but it's best to not include these games in the hunt since it gives you a very limited time to finish the hunt.
► "How are the bonuses saved?" When you hit a bonus, shut down the game ( either if you have a 2:nd tab open from the casino or you simply click back
to the lobby. The bonuses on the games from the game providers we recommend will stay unplayed until you open them up later on.
Step 5. "How many spins should I do on each slot?" If you have seen CasinoDaddys hunts you might have seen that they often do 50 spins and then move on.
That is a good strategy, don't stay too long on a slot that wont give you the bonus, rather leave and come back later if you really want this slot in your
Step 6. Always leave some balance, preferable like €20 or so, just in case you happen to click on spin or something unforeseen happens when you
open the bonuses. This is VERY important because your whole balance after the opening can be forfeited if you went down to 0 balance before you opened the
bonuses. It could be bonus abuse and the Casino can refuse to payout your money.
Step 7. Go ahead and open up the bonuses you saved. Just enter the games again one by one and the bonus feature should start automatically.
Some additional things to think about:
★ Always make sure you collected your win on a bonus before you close it down and jump to next one.
★ If you know that you wont complete the bonus hunt the same day you started it, make sure you read the bonusterms and/or ask live chat to know how much
time you have to complete the wager on the active bonus.
★ If you are not allowed to play on a certain casino due to restrictions for your country, then just move on to another casino. Don't try to use VPN since that can result
in loss of your money if it is not allowed by the Casino to use VPN.
★ And finally, maybe the most important thing of all. ONLY play for money you can afford to lose. Never see gambling as a way of income and always play responsibly.
Belanja di App banyak untungnya:
All participants must be members of Mayo Sailing Club to comply with IS & insurance requirements.
All participants need their own boat or a share in a two-person boat. Parents/Guardians should ensure the boat they supply is in good repair for the full duration of the course.
Checklist of Equipment for Junior Sailing Course All items need to be clearly labelled with your child’s name
Mayo Sailing Club is an IS approved centre. All our instructors are IS qualified instructors and experienced sailors who have been Garda Vetted. A strict safety ratio of juniors to instructors and safety boats is maintained on and off the water.
It is normal for some modules to take two years or more work to meet the appropriate skill level. We value the professionalism of our instructors. To achieve certification participants must fulfill all IS requirements for that module. This is assessed throughout the course by our instructors and they must have the final decision in this regard.
Pengucapan dan penulisan tanggal menjadi salah satu hal yang harus Anda ketahui saat belajar bahasa Inggris. Khususnya, jika Anda sering menulis jurnal atau berita yang mengharuskan Anda menuliskan tanggal. Dalam literature bahasa Inggris, pengucapan dan penulisan tanggal memiliki format yang jauh berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia.
Setidaknya ada dua cara menulis tanggal dalam bahasa Inggris, yang pertama adalah menuliskan hari dahulu sebelum bulan, atau menuliskan bulan terlebih dahulu sebelum hari. Anda juga bisa menggunakan tulisan, ataupun angka dengan akhiran bilangan bertingkat (st, nd, rd, atau th) dalam menuliskan format tanggal dalam bahasa Inggris. Belum lagi perbedaan format menulis tergantung referensi bahasa Inggris apa yang Anda gunakan, British atau Amerika.
Bisa dilihat contoh di bawah ini:
Mari kita lihat penjelasan contoh penulisan tanggal dalam bahasa Inggris diatas. Contoh di atas menggunakan format penulisan tanggal yang dimulai dengan angka yang memiliki akhiran bilangan bertingkat yaitu 7th. Dan kemudian ditulis nama bulan menggunakan preposisi of sebelum menulis nama bulannya. Lalu dilanjutkan dengan tanda koma, dan tahun.
Cara menulis tanggal dalam bahasa Inggris lainnya adalah dengan menggunakan angka, dengan bentuk yang paling umum adalah, 10/09/13 atau 10-9-13. Namun ada hal yang perlu diperhatikan pada cara menulis tanggal dalam bahasa Inggris dengan cara ini. Terutama, karena bahasa Inggris British dan bahasa Inggris Amerika memiliki aturan yang berbeda.
Kita lihat langsung penjelasannya di bawah ini. Misalnya kita menggunakan contoh diatas yakni 10/09/13 atau 10-9-13. Jika kita membacanya menurut bahasa Inggris British, akan memiliki arti berbeda dengan bahasa Inggris Amerika.
Jika kita menggunakan bahasa Inggris British, penulisan tanggal dalam bahasa Inggris tersebut memiliki arti 10 September 2013, karena di dalam aturan bahasa Inggris British, penulisan tanggal dimulai dengan tanggal, diikuti bulan lalu tahun.
Sementara, jika kita menggunakan bahasa Inggris Amerika, penulisan tanggal diatas akan dibaca sebagai 9 Oktober 2013. Mengapa bisa berbeda? Karena di dalam aturan bahasa Inggris Amerika, penulisan tanggal dimulai dengan bulan, tanggal lalu diikuti dengan tahun. Maka, penulisan 10/09/13, akan berarti 10 sebagai bulan 10 atau Oktober, 9 untuk tanggal 9, dan 13 sebagai tahun yaitu 2013.
Karena itu Anda harus berhati-hati dalam menuliskan tanggal, jika Anda bertujuan untuk menggunakan bahasa Inggris British, jangan sampai Anda salah menuliskkan format tanggal dalam kaidah bahasa Inggris Amerika.
Namun, Anda tidak perlu khawatir, untuk menghindari kerancuan pada cara menulis tanggal dalam bahasa Inggris tersebut, ada cara yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk mengatasinya. Cara tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan cara lain yaitu Anda harus mengeja bulan atau dengan cara menggunakan singkatan.
Sebagai contoh, Anda bisa menuliskannya seperti contoh di bawah ini:
The tenth of September 2013.
Atau bisa juga dengan cara menulis tanggal dalam bahasa Inggris sebagai berikut.
September the tenth 2013.
Agar tidak kebingungan menentukan singkatan apa yang tepat, dibawah ini adalah singkatan yang bisa Anda pakai untuk menuliskan nama bulan:
• January menjadi Jan
• February menjadi Feb
• September menjadi Sep
• October menjadi Oct
• November menjadi Nov
• Desember menjadi Dec
Selain singkatan nama bulan, masih banyak yang keliru mengenai penulisan angka bertingkat atau ordinal number. Beriku ini adalah contoh-contoh ordinal number yang bisa Anda lihat beserta cara membacanya.
• 1 = 1st dibaca The first
• 2 = 2nd dibaca The second
• 3 = 3rd dibaca The third
• 4 = 4th dibaca The fourth
• 5 = 5th dibaca The fifth
• 6 = 6th dibaca The sixth
• 7 = 7th dibaca The seventh
• 8 = 8th dibaca The eight
• 9 = 9th dibaca The ninth
• 10 = 10th dibaca The tenth
• 11 = 11th dibaca The eleventh
• 12 = 12th dibaca The twelfth
• 13 = 13th dibaca The thirteenth
• 14 = 14th dibaca The fourteenth
• 15 = 15th dibaca The fifteenth
• 16 = 16th dibaca The sixteenth
• 17 = 17th dibaca The seventeenth
• 18 = 18th dibaca The eighteenth
• 19 = 19th dibaca The nineteenth
• 20 = 20th dibaca The twentieth
• 21 = 21st dibaca The twenty first
• 22 = 22nd dibaca The twenty second
• 23 = 23rd dibaca The twenty third
• 24 = 24th dibaca The twenty fourth
• 25 = 25th dibaca The twenty fifth
• 26 = 26th dibaca The twenty sixth
• 27 = 27th dibaca The twenty seventh
• 28 = 28th dibaca The twenty eight
• 29 = 29th dibaca The twenty ninth
• 30 = 30th dibaca The thirtieth
Jika kamu ingin mengetahui lebih banyak tentang pelajaran bahasa Inggris?, Mari bergabung di EF dan kamu bisa belajar bahasa Inggris bersama guru yang professional. Yuk tingkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris kamu bersama EF!. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kamu bisa klik banner dibawah ini!
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